Loose belly fat

Are your struggling to lose belly fat and to finally get rid of those annoying love handles forever?

You have probably tried every method in the world to try to lose your stubborn belly fat, but it just never seems to go away... right? I am pretty sure you have seen plenty of infomercials of ab gadgets (ab rollers, ab belts, ab shapers - whatever they call it these days) with promises of losing belly fat doing simple exercises while watching TV.
Come on now! Do they really think that most people will believe that a belly-fat reduction miracle is possible overnight and that we will wake up one day and be rid of our love handles while doing some useless exercise?

Enough said, let us get right down to the hard science and truth behind what methods and strategies really do help you to lose your stubborn belly fat and get rid of love handles and keep it off for life!

1) The first strategy we will discuss is how you perform your workouts. To stimulate fat-loss from your stomach, you need to stop wasting so much of your time doing all kinds of abdominal exercises and hundreds of sets of sit-ups, crunches and torso twist hoping to "spot-reduce" your belly fat and love handles.
You have probably learned by now, if you have read any reputable fitness publications recently, that spot-reduction of belly fat and love handles DOES NOT occur.
It is a myth that has perpetuated the fitness industry for decades. The simple truth is, you will not lose stubborn belly fat and get rid of love handles just by doing exercises that target the stomach area. Unfortunately, even though most people know this by now, they still spend WAY too much of their training time targeting the stomach with plenty of abs exercises.
Now do not be misled, a few abdominal exercises are excellent and they do help to strengthen your stomach muscles while maintaining a healthy back. But the truth is that abs exercises should cover only a small portion of your training regimen. Most of your workout should be focused on multi-joint exercises that work the largest muscle groups of the body - the legs, chest, and back.
That is one of the REAL secrets for ridding yourself of that sloppy belly fat and annoying love handles for good. Multi-joint exercises for the largest muscle groups significantly increase metabolic rate both during the workout, and for 24-48 hours after the workout. This, in turn, stimulates an increase in fat-burning hormones. You simply cannot achieve this type of metabolic and hormonal response by wasting most of your time with direct abdominal exercises.
Now, do you really want to lose belly fat and get rid of those unsightly love handles? Then get your butt under a barbell and perform some squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups and some back and chest work. It does not really matter whether you use barbells, dumbbells, or even bodyweight exercises as long as the focus is on big multi-joint exercises at a high intensity. Sorry, but that means no 5-minute rest periods between sets while you chat with your friends at the gym. Losing your belly fat and getting rid of love handles for good requires some focus and intensity in your training! Anyone telling you that it can be done while watching TV with some "ab-belt" strapped to you, or doing only 2-minutes of crunching with your "ab-rocker" is flat out lying to you!

2) The second strategy to rid you of that flabby belly and love handles revolves around diet and nutrition. The important thing you need to realize is that "diets" only work against your body in your effort to lose belly fat. If you follow any of the fad diets that restrict 1 or more of the macro-nutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat), you will only end up losing lean muscle and lowering your metabolic rate. This will only make you fatter in the long run, once you start eating normal again!
Fad diets essentially mess up processes related to hormonal balance in the body, the muscle glycogen process, insulin, blood sugar, etc., stopping your fat loss strategy dead in its tracks!
STOP falling for fad diet gimmicks. As humans, we are meant to eat a balanced diet from a diverse array of healthy foods rich in natural sources of carbohydrates, proteins, AND fats. This gives your body all of the macro-nutrients as well as all of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that your body needs to run as a well-oiled fat-burning machine!
There are more strategies for losing your belly fat fast and getting rid of love handles the natural way, but this article might be several pages long, so see below to download a free report detailing some of the best fat-loss strategies for helping you to flatten that belly and finally be rid of that annoying love handles.

If I had a nickel for each crunch I saw people do at my gym I'd be a rich man today. I believe that this is probably the most performed exercise in the world. I bet you do them too. But is it also an effective exercise? Can crunches help you to lose belly stout?

The answer is yes... and no.

Naturally, doing crunches is better than doing nothing at all. It is an activity which burns calories and body stout. But, it is not the best way to shed some stomach weight. Far from it.

This is right for a number of reasons:

1. You simply can't lose stout from a specific body part. It doesn't matter which body part you focus on in your workouts, you lose stout from your entire body or not at all. This has already been proven. What this means is that you'd do better to focus on maximum stout burning workouts to get the best results.

2. Crunches are simply not an effective stout burning exercise. Usually, crunches aren't that intensive. In fact, even people who are far from fit can do a few dozen of them. This indicates how this exercise is not that hard to do and would therefore not be the best choice to lose belly stout with.

But, crunches do have some benefit since they do help you strengthen your abdominal muscles. In addition, you can make your crunches harder by doing them on a decline bench or a swiss ball.

But, if you want to lose belly stout, crunches aren't the answer, more intense weight training is.

3 Abs Myths, Busted

If you listened to all the flawed abs advice out there, you'd be doing upside-down crunches until you passed out. Here's the absolute truth.

Myth 1: High-rep workouts make your abs grow

Reality: Your progress will plateau if you do the same exercises, regardless of reps.

You need to intensify your workouts to teach your abs to stabilize your body weight. Add either more—challenging variations of body-weight exercises, or weighted abdominal exercises once the unweighted versions become too easy. Matt McGorry, C.F.T., a trainer at Peak Performance in New York City, recommends the triple plank. This combo—a front plank followed by a left-side plank and a right-side plank—forces you to contract your abs for long intervals, which helps carve your midsection. Start by maintaining each plank for 15 seconds, and work up to 60 seconds. When you hit that level, start adding sets, and rest only 30 seconds between them. If planks on the floor are too easy, put your feet on a small box. Read our article on Dynamic plank - the next level of core training

But don't forget: "No amount of abs work can take the place of a well-planned diet and a total-body workout," McGorry says. Abs don't start showing when you build them; they show when you've built all the muscles in your body and cut the fat around your midsection. One great way to do this is our exclusive Six Pack Abs program

Myth 2: Abs workouts involve a lot of movement

Reality: Exercises that require steadiness are best

When you bend your spine during crunches or situps, you risk injuring it, says Stuart McGill, Ph.D., a professor of spine biomechanics at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario. Doing those exercises isn't the best way to target your abs anyway, because you repeatedly bend the disks in your back and aren't forcing your abs to resist motion. That's why McGill suggests exercises that encourage spinal alignment and stability, such as planks. Your abs do all the work to keep you stabilized and lower your risk of back injury. (If you have back pain, see a physician before starting any abs regimen. Some abs exercises can make back problems worse.)

Exercises that prevent movement are especially good for building lateral abdominal strength, which is what helps your body stay in proper form under pressure (like when you play sports or do squats and deadlifts). To focus on your abs, McGill suggests the suitcase carry: Hold a heavy dumbbell in one hand and then walk increasingly long distances while maintaining perfect posture. This burns more calories than crunches do.

Myth 3: Rotational exercises are best for building your obliques

Reality: Rotational exercises don't build obliques well and can harm the spine in some cases

Obliques surround and accentuate your abs and protect them from damage when you rotate your body quickly. So while exercises like the Russian twist can help build your obliques, they may not be the best way to build foundational strength, and they can force your spine to rotate under stress, says McGorry.

Instead, use heavy compound exercises—like squats and deadlifts—to make your obliques work harder to keep your spine aligned. For more challenge, add unbalanced moves—the single-leg lunge, for example, or a deadlift with one dumbbell. These types of exercises require your body to adjust to uneven stress while your spine is in its neutral position, which further stabilizes your core and builds your obliques (as long as you maintain proper form).

By Jim Smith, CSCS

When you think about the most basic abdominal exercise, the first one that pops into your head is probably planks.

Planks are where a person lays out into a push-up position but instead of being on their outstretched hands, they rest on their forearms. In this position, the athlete or lifter will remain for a specific length of time. If the time exceeds one and a half minutes that is considered pretty good.

The benefits of planks include rehabilitating a back injury, glute activation, developing proficiency for bracing the torso with intra-abdominal pressure and an isometric contraction of the abdominals and developing muscular endurance of the muscles that stabilize, support and engage movements of the torso.

But in accordance with the Principle of Overload and the Laws of Chaos, there is a progression for all resistance training means. Progression of an exercise will increase the difficulty, which increases the demand and work capacity of the lifter and in turn, provides more adaptation and benefits.

So what is the next training progression for planks? Here are some of the most common modifications :

  • Raising one foot off the ground (ensure the lifter doesn’t shift to the side to compensate by forcibly firing the glutes and bracing harder
  • Add a weighted vest or back pack
Further unique adaptations can be obtained if we are relentless in our pursuit of our ultimate goal – real world strength. It is this real world strength that is developed not only with fixed, patterned strength training movements, but with random, rapidly adjusted reactive means. This is truer to real life and everyday movements.

Here is the modification that will produce the results we want. The lifter will setup in a conventional plank but with their feet on an elevated box and their forearms on a mini-trampoline

This is a plank x 10!

This variation is much more difficult to stabilize because as the lifter adjusts, so does the base of support (the trampoline) they are resting on! We can of course increase the difficulty by externally loading the lifter or having them lift one leg, but we want to make this exercise really difficult. By having the lifter raise up onto their hands, more vibration can be achieved.

Now hit a plyometric push-up with the goal of restabilizing and restoring a static posture as quickly as possible. This creates a full body tremor that improves the integrity of the elbows, shoulders and hips.

Now, let's perform a one arm plank on this setup. This requires a greater glute and opposite oblique contraction to counterbalance the movement. The goal is to minimize the hips shifting and remain rigid. This movement can be held for time and increased in difficulty by a partner-assisted agitation.

For a more advanced movement a plyometric push-up can once again be engaged, but this time we will land on one arm.

Not only does this have amazing implications in a rehabilitative setting, but decelerative properties for the torso, back and shoulders as well. Sports that require ballistic upper body expressions (which is essentially all sports) or sports with high incidences of shoulder or hip injuries can benefit from this vibrational environment. The more vibration we can introduce, the more rapid the contractions, primary and antagonistic, of the engaged muscular and the greater stability of the kinetic chain. This creates a balance and teaches the athlete how to stabilize in opposition to random stimuli.

About the Author
Jim Smith is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and an expert trainer who writes for Men's Fitness and the Elite Q/A Staff. Jim has been involved in strength training as a performance enhancement specialist for over 8 years and has worked with athletes from various sports who compete at various levels. He has published articles about his unique training style and innovative methods for many prominent strength and fitness related sites. He is also the authored of three renowned strength manuals. For more innovative training solutions, visit www.ComeatCoreStrenth.com

For real core strength, check out:


Many of you guys find it hard to do ab exercises because they require you to have some equipments like balls or you have to go to a gym and like that. What if you have nothing to start with , just a floor and your room. This gets really frustrating if you can't do the exercises. But here i have collected some of the good exercises to get ripped abs within a month or two. And what it makes them more better or say best are that they donot need any sorts of equipment neither you have to go to a gym to do them. So guys be happy to get these . Do read carefully and do them. I have added picture illustrations so you do it the right way. Enjoy your workouts!!!!!!!!!
look at the bottom (chance to get "an ebook free!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  1. Lying leg thrusts. (this one is intense must see!!)
  2. Abdominal bicycles.( most useful )
  3. Abdominal Scissors
  4. Mountain Climber
Hey guys sorry to say but that's it. In today's world it's hard to find freestuffs with good quality.
Hope you have enjoyed these workouts. If you really liked these articles , which are extracted from an ebook , you may want to buy this ebook giving full length exercises and diet systems. If you really want to get a six pack abs this book is the one that's going to make it.

Assume a pushup position on your hands and feet. Quickly bring one leg in so it’s under
your chest, then immediately pop it back out and bring the other leg in. Keep quickly
switching legs so that it looks as if you were climbing a mountain. To make this more
challenging, try shifting your arms up and back approximately 12 inches each way while
simultaneously switching your legs. If that doesn’t make you break a sweat, I don’t know
what will!



Start by lying on your back on a mat with both with your arms straight back over your head and your legs straight out at about a 45° angle from vertical. Bring your shoulders off the ground and arms forward while simultaneously bringing your legs and hips up off the ground such that your legs and arms slightly cross over.



Start by lying on your back on a mat with both your hips and your knees at 90° angles and your head and shoulders slightly lifted off the ground with your fingers touching the sides of your head (not pulling on the back of your head). Perform the movement by crunching the left side of your upper body off the floor and bringing your left elbow and right knee together simultaneously. Then extend your right knee out and bring your right elbow and left knee together simultaneously. This ends up almost mimicking a bicycling movement in a lying position, except keeping your legs moving in and out linearly instead of cyclically



This is a two part exercise – a “halfway down” leg raise followed by a hip thrust.

Start by lying on your back with your head and shoulders raised off of the floor, your hands (palms down) on the mat by your hips, and your legs at a 90° angle from the floor. Slowly lower your legs only half way to the floor to an angle of approximately 45° from the floor. Do not go all the way to the floor with the legs as this promotes an arched back and can put a lot of stress on the lumbar spine.From the 45° position, raise your legs back up to the 90° position. Once the legs are back at the 90° position (no further), thrust your hips off the floor.

  1. START DOWN ....................................... 2. HALF WAY


by Mike Geary, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist and the author of Truth about Six Pack Abs ebook #1 best selling fitness ebook in the world over the last 2 years

1. Onions = Amazing Superfood... Eat onions daily if possible.

Not only do I love onions, but I recently read a longevity study that surveyed a large amount of people who had lived over 100 years of age. One of the common threads they noticed from the survey of these amazing people that lived to ages exceeding 100 was that they ate a lot of onions.

Kind of weird huh... but not a surprise to me. In fact, onions are definitely an important super-food as they contain unique organosulphur compounds and potent antioxidants that are rare in other foods.

I've also read dozens of studies that correlated onions with pretty impressive reductions in cancer risk.

I like to add onions to almost any meals I can think of... slices on sandwiches, added to salads, in my morning eggs, in veggie mixtures with lunch or dinner, and more.

2. Mix up your workouts with "5-minute bodyweight exercise challenges"

This is a unique way to add some variety to your workouts and maybe even get a friend in a little competition with you.

You can throw one of these in at the end of a workout as a high intensity finish, or even just do at home on non-gym days.

Basically, all you do is choose 1 specific bodyweight exercise such as bodyweight squats, pushups, lunges, etc and try to do as many reps of that exercise as you can in exactly 5 minutes (timed). I've also used 1-arm dbell swings for these 5 min drills and they work great.

This works best by trying to do 20 or 30 reps at a time and then taking short breathers of about 10 seconds before continuing on your next round of reps.

We've even made this a little competition between a couple people at my gym in the past where we all line up and get timed for 5 minutes and see who can do the most squats or pushups or whatever it may be in that 5 minute time period.

From what I've seen, if you can do 100 or more pushups in 5 minutes, or 200 or more bodyweight squats in 5 minutes, those are pretty impressive numbers. I think my record was somewhere around 225 bw squats in 5 minutes.

If you can't see your abs, don't assume it's because you're missing out on a magical abdominal exercise or secret supplement. Blame your mindset.

You see, losing belly flab is a boring process. It requires time, hard work, and most important, dedication. Take the right steps every single day, and you'll ultimately carve out your six-pack. But if you stray from your plan even a few times a week—which most men do—you'll probably never see your abs.

The solution: six simple habits, which I teach to my clients to help them strip away their lard for good. Think of these habits as daily goals designed to keep you on the fast track to a fit-looking physique. Individually they're not all that surprising, but together they become a powerful tool.

The effectiveness of this tool is even supported by science. At the University of Iowa, researchers determined that people are more likely to stick with their fat-loss plans when they concentrate on specific actions instead of the desired result. So rather than focusing on abs that show, follow my daily list of nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle strategies for achieving that rippled midsection.

The result: automatic abs.

Wake Up to Water

Imagine not drinking all day at work—no coffee, no water, no diet soda. At the end of an 8-hour shift, you'd be pretty parched. Which is precisely why you should start rehydrating immediately after a full night's slumber. From now on, drink at least 16 ounces of chilled H2O as soon as you rise in the morning. German scientists recently found that doing this boosts metabolism by 24 percent for 90 minutes afterward. (A smaller amount of water had no effect.) What's more, a previous study determined that muscle cells grow faster when they're well hydrated. A general rule of thumb: Guzzle at least a gallon of water over the course of a day.

Eat Breakfast Every Day

A University of Massachusetts study showed that men who skip their morning meal are 4 1/2 times more likely to have bulging bellies than those who don't. So within an hour of waking, have a meal or protein shake with at least 250 calories. British researchers found that breakfast size was inversely related to waist size. That is, the larger the morning meal, the leaner the midsection. But keep the meal's size within reason: A 1,480-calorie smoked-sausage scramble at Denny's is really two breakfasts, so cap your intake at 500 calories. For a quick way to fuel up first thing, I like this recipe: Prepare a package of instant oatmeal and mix in a scoop of whey protein powder and 1/2 cup of blueberries.

As You Eat, Review Your Goals . . .

Don't worry, I'm not going all Tony Robbins on you. (I don't have enough teeth.) But it's important that you stay aware of your mission. University of Iowa scientists found that people who monitored their diet and exercise goals most frequently were more likely to achieve them than were goal setters who rarely reviewed their objectives.

. . . And Then Pack Your Lunch

My personal Igloo cooler just celebrated its 19th anniversary. I started carrying it with me every day back in college. Of course, it often housed a six-pack of beer—until I decided to compete in the Purdue bodybuilding championship. (Second place, by the way.) Once I knew I'd have to don a banana hammock in public (the world's best motivator), I began to take the contents of my cooler seriously. And so should you. In fact, this habit should be as much a part of your morning ritual as showering. Here's what I recommend packing into your cooler.

• An apple (to eat as a morning snack)
• Two slices of cheese (to eat with the apple)
• A 500- to 600-calorie portion of leftovers (for your lunch)
• A premixed protein shake or a pint of milk (for your afternoon snack)

By using this approach, you'll keep your body well fed and satisfied throughout the day without overeating. You'll also provide your body with the nutrients it needs for your workout, no matter what time you exercise. Just as important, you'll be much less likely to be tempted by the office candy bowl. In fact, my personal rule is simple: I don't eat anything that's not in the cooler.

Exercise the Right Way

Everyone has abs, even if people can't always see them because they're hidden under a layer of flab. That means you don't need to do endless crunches to carve out a six-pack. Instead, you should spend most of your gym time burning off blubber.

The most effective strategy is a one-two approach of weight-lifting and high-intensity interval training. According to a recent University of Southern Maine study, half an hour of pumping iron burns as many calories as running at a 6-minute-per-mile pace for the same duration. (And it has the added benefit of helping you build muscle.) What's more, unlike aerobic exercise, lifting has been shown to boost metabolism for as long as 39 hours after the last repetition. Similar findings have been noted for intervals, which are short, all-out sprints interspersed with periods of rest.

For the best results, do a total-body weight-training workout 3 days a week, resting at least a day between sessions. Then do an interval-training session on the days in between.

Skip the Late Shows

You need sleep to unveil your six-pack. That's because lack of shut-eye may disrupt the hormones that control your ability to burn fat. For instance, University of Chicago scientists recently found that just 3 nights of poor sleep may cause your muscle cells to become resistant to the hormone insulin. Over time, this leads to fat storage around your belly.

To achieve a better night's sleep, review your goals again 15 minutes before bedtime. And while you're at it, write down your plans for the next day's work schedule, as well as any personal chores you need to accomplish. This can help prevent you from lying awake worrying about tomorrow ("I have to remember to e-mail Johnson"), which can cut into quality snooze time.


Do you struggle to lose belly fat? I bet you think you have bad genetics, don’t you? You probably believe that you’ve tried every possible program or technique out there to try to burn your stubborn belly fat, but it just never seems to work... does it?

I'm sure you’ve seen countless advertisements making “too good to be true” miracle claims, promising that you will lose belly fat EASILY with their “magic” cream, pill or hyped-up infomercial ab-gadget.

Come on now! Let’s get real. I want to make sure that those deceitful marketers have insulted your intelligence for the very last time. Let's get past the gimmicks and get right down to what really works. I want to help you win the battle of the bulge forever. Trust me, it’s easier than you think.

It is important to understand that both proper nutrition and targeted training must work synergistically if you want to lose belly fat at an accelerated pace. So let’s discuss both of these important aspects to ensure that you get on the right path towards achieving your very own set of six pack abs.

The first critical principle to help you get rid of your belly fat revolves around your nutrition plan. It’s important to realize that typical dieting actually PREVENTS your body from losing belly fat. You see, if you follow any diet that forces you to constantly restrict one of the macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat), something very unfortunate occurs: you will lose weight, but the majority of that weight will come from your lean muscle, NOT from body fat!

Losing lean muscle is the last thing you want to do. It makes you look terrible, and even worse, it lowers your metabolism, which will immediately stop your fat loss plan dead in its tracks! Once your metabolism starts to drop, you will find it almost impossible to lose any body fat at all. As you can see, the wrong diet can have drastic effects on your body.

You see, our bodies are meant to eat a diet full of a diverse array of foods from healthy, natural sources of carbohydrates, proteins, AND fats. This type of nutritional plan provides your body with all of the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally as a healthy and efficient fat-burning machine!

Now let’s talk about the second and equally important principle: how to properly structure your workouts. In order to burn your stomach fat, you need to stop wasting your time performing traditional abdominal exercises such as crunches, leg lifts, and side bends in the hopes of burning your belly fat and love handles.

The truth is you will not lose belly fat by doing exercises that target the stomach area. Unfortunately, most trainees don’t know this. Thus, they spend WAY too much of their training time trying to target their stomach with countless repetitions of various ab exercises.

Now don't get me wrong, performing the correct number of abdominal exercises is important, and when done properly, they can carve the abdominal musculature, strengthen your midsection and help you maintain a healthy back. But the fact is that direct ab exercises should only be a small portion of your workout routines. The majority of your time should be spent focusing on multi-joint exercises that primarily work the major muscle groups of the body like the legs, chest and back, while working the abs secondarily as a stabilizer.

By focusing your attention on the major muscle groups, you will stimulate your metabolic rate both during and after your workouts. In addition, you will also increase the level of fat-burning hormones within your body. You simply can’t get this type of metabolic and hormonal response by cranking out endless sets of various types of crunches.

So if you want to lose belly fat fast, try doing some squats, lunges, step-ups, rows, pulls, and a variety of presses and dead lifting movements.

You must also remember to perform each workout at a high intensity. That means no 5-minute rest periods between sets while you try to make new friends at the water fountain! Keep in mind that losing your belly fat for good requires some intensity in your workouts, so you need to be completely focused and “all business” when you are training!

And in case you were wondering, please know this: Anybody who tells you that you can lose belly fat quickly by popping some pill or by sitting on your recliner while watching TV with some "ab-belt" strapped to your belly is lying straight to your face!

I could go on and on about more strategies for losing your belly fat fast, the natural way, but that would be beyond the scope of this article. Start to put even these basic principles into practice, and you will start to lose belly fat faster than you thought you ever could! For more on losing belly fat click here.
The Ultimate Strategy To Lose Belly Fat Rapidly

My mom always told me to sit down and eat your food slowly. So just like any other defiant teenager, I stood tall and inhaled my entire meal as fast as possible. Although I hate to admit this after all these years, what my mother was teaching me was actually very sound fat loss advice.

New research has recently proven that overweight people tend to eat more quickly and also eat more food per bite.

This research confirms earlier studies, which found that eating slowly leads to decreases in food intake. This has become so accepted among scientists that they have given this phenomenon a scientific name of its own:

"Time Energy Displacement"

Time Energy Displacement means that the more time you take to eat, the less energy (calories) you are likely to consume. And on the other hand, the faster you eat, the more energy (calories) you are likely to consume.

But that’s not all! The research also showed that in order to maximize the positive effects of Time Energy Displacement, you should choose foods that literally force you to ingest calories more slowly.

Foods that force you to ingest calories more slowly include:

  • Foods that have a high fiber content (so you feel fuller more quickly). Examples are vegetables such as green beans, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, etc.
  • Foods that have a high water content (these foods also make you feel fuller more quickly). Fresh fruits such as berries, melons, apples, pears, etc. naturally have a high fluid content. Additionally, cooked whole grains such as barley, brown rice and oatmeal have a similar effect. During the cooking process, these grains absorb a lot of water, which causes them swell up. This increased volume helps you feel full without adding any calories to your diet.
  • Foods with a high “chew factor”. Even if you try to eat these foods fast, you simply can’t because it takes so long to chew them thoroughly. Examples of foods with a high “chew factor” are fibrous vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli.
  • Foods with low binge potential such as high fiber vegetables and lean protein are also good to eat, since generally, you will get tired of eating them before you take in too many calories.

Based on these studies’ findings (along with years of my own empirical evidence), I have come to the conclusion that we should avoid drinking ANY of our calories. You heard me right – liquid calories are to be avoided! Two of the most popular liquid sources of calories are soft drinks and sugar and cream-laden coffees. Believe it or not, these drinks are two of the biggest sources of excess and hidden calories in the typical American diet.

The main problem with liquid calories is that they can have a very high caloric density AND can be consumed extremely quickly. This is always a bad combination! Liquid calories also do not trigger the satiety mechanism in your brain and G.I. tract the way solid food typically does.

"Eat your food slowly" was once uttered by moms around the world, in a vain attempt to teach us kids about proper etiquette at the dinner table. But now, eating slowly has actually been proven to be scientifically sound fat loss advice. So go slow at the table so you can go fast towards your fat loss goals!

Getting great abs is not a joke! It takes lot of training and hard work. And with it comes responsibility. Many have tried to get six pack abs like Brad Pitt, and failed. It's not a child's game. You have to be serious and work regularly.

Strengthen your abdominal muscles and lose body fat. The concept is simple, but putting it into action is not. It will take dedication, willpower, patience and time to get a six pack but in the end, the effort is well worth it. You can have the most toned and defined abs but they won't show through if there's a layer of fat over them.
Cardio to loss the extra fat to see your abs:

If you need to loss some weight of fat off your abs, you need to add some extra cardiovascular work to your routine. Choose exercises that will increase your heart rate. You must get cardiovascular exercise regularly. Here are some good exercises to loss those extra inches around you mid section:

  • Skipping rope is one of the best cardio exercises because you are forced to keep your posture and you use your whole body.
  • Running up and down stairs or hill side, jogging or running, swimming, biking, rollar-blading or skating, dancing, shadow boxing, hiking, walking, and playing sports are also great activities and exercises to reveal your six pack abs.
But you have to remember two things.

1. If you want to lose weight, it's 80% diet and 20% training.
2. If you want to be stronger (or faster, or have better endurance), it's 80% training and 20% diet.

I have collected some articles related to making ripped abs, or to say great abs for you all.

  1. Poor excuses for not getting lean in 2009 - obama has to say you something!
  2. 6 Habits to Chisel a Solid 6-pack- wake up to water .....
  3. Killer Ab workouts that you can do at home - plank, reverse crunch on floor, .....
  4. What is the best Fat burning Excersise? - advanced burpee
  5. The three best Ab exercise that are not Ab exercise- tuck jumps, .....
  6. How to get Flat lower Abs - hip flexor stretch, .....
  7. How to loose fat fast and keep it up - resistance training programme...
  8. Best Post Workout meal for Rapid Fat loss - a solid meal
  9. The next generation of Abs exercises - power wheel pike
  10. The ultimate strategy to loose Belly Fat rapidly -no typical dieting
  11. How to eat for Accelerated Fat loss - Time Energy Displacement
  12. Random Fitness and Nutrition Tips
  13. Great abs workout to do at home without any equipments
  14. The Next Level of Core Training - Dynamic Planks


Get ripped abs

Get ripped abs??Hey do you want to get ripped abs. Or get sexy abs or may be get six pack abs??
All is same as saying i want to get good abs.
All of you there can not get six pack abs or ripped abs as seen in the photos of man showing there sexy abs. It's hard to get abs like them.

But you can improve your abs.Improving in the sense that you can get better abs. In this era where internet is ruling the world, it's not hard to find many resources on the internet. But you may hardly find any resources that actually help you!!. If you find also you have to pay for it. 15$, 10$ and so on. It's hard to get a free ebook really helping you. Here i have found two free ebooks for you to try..

1. 19 Secrets to build 5 Labs of Muscle in 28 days or less

2. How to Get Six Pack Abs
( Just right click and save the link)

I don't gurantee of any kind that after reading this ebooks you will get six pack abs or ripped sexy abs but i gurantee one thing that you will definitely improve with your ab thing.
Thanks for reading and please come back for more in the future!!!!!


Free ebooks on making abs

Here i have given you some of the free ebooks on getting ripped abs.
hope you will enjoy readin these free ebooks to get sexy ripped abs.

1. 19 Secrets to build 5 Labs of Muscle in 28 days or less

2. How to Get Six Pack Abs
( Just right click and save the link)

Please leave a comment below for any suggestions and advice.
More ebooks will be included. Come again for more!!

The Truth About How To Get A 6 Pack Ab

Let’s face it, there is nothing more attractive than the look and feel of a tightly carved out midsection. In most people’s opinion, no other body part screams out sex appeal more than a great set of six pack abs. The attention that one can achieve from having a tight and lean midsection has caused the marketing world to go “ab workout crazy”.

Anywhere you turn you can find countless abdominal training gadgets, gimmicks and programs promising to help you develop six pack abs in record time. With all of this “great information” so readily available, you would suspect that millions of people would have been able to achieve a sexy stomach and ab. Take one trip to the beach and it will be obvious that this is not the case. In fact, average the waist size has climbed to an all time high just recently.

Why have these ab programs failed so miserably? The answer to this question is surprisingly simple. These ab programs focus on traditional ab exercises! Traditional ab exercises may work the abs but they do little to burn actual body fat. Fortunately, there are much more effective exercises that carve out a six pack ab while simultaneously melting off your belly fat.

The bottom line is you will never achieve that sexy ab until you lose your belly fat. The good news is that this can be accomplished quickly and easily. Let’s discuss how to lose belly fat (the right way) and finally unveil your sexy six pack abs.

  1. Engage in a full body resistance training routine. When done properly, full body resistance training stimulates your metabolism like no other activity can. This should be the cornerstone of your belly fat loss program. This routine should only contain exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Some examples are: One Arm DB Split Snatch, Modified KB Turkish Get Up, Squat Press Combo, etc.

    Unlike traditional ab exercises, these full body movements have a huge caloric cost. In addition to burning a lot of calories during the workout, these exercises greatly increase your metabolism which in turn forces your body to burn fat all day long.

  2. Perform high intensity cardio workouts. High intensity cardio burns significantly more calories than low intensity workouts per unit of time while simultaneously elevating your metabolism to a significant degree. Although these workouts are more difficult to perform, they require much shorter durations. In fact, you can get an incredibly effective fat loss effect in as little as ten minutes and a great ab, making this a very time efficient way to train.

    Some of my favorite ab exercises to use for these workouts are: sprinting, various bodyweight jumps, rope jumping doubles, power wheel walks, etc.

  3. Utilize ab exercises that work your entire body. These exercises give you the most bang for your buck. “Isolated” ab exercises do nothing to burn belly fat.

    On the other hand, Turbo Ab Exercises work your abs very effectively while increasing your heart rate and burning a significant amount of calories. Unlike traditional ab exercises, these movements sculpt your six pack while simultaneously burning stubborn body fat.

    Switch your crunches for a Turbo Ab Exercise such as Med Ball Explosive Pikes and see the difference for yourself.

  4. Practice proper nutrition. Excess belly fat is often an indication of chronically high insulin levels. The best diets to keep insulin levels in check are the ones that recommend avoiding sugars, flour products, saturated fats and processed foods.

    Instead, your diet should consist of whole foods in their natural state such as: Vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts and seeds, legumes, whole grains, lean proteins (fish, shellfish, eggs and egg whites, turkey and chicken breast and small amounts of no-fat dairy products.
Follow these simple steps and get your six pack in no time!


John Alvino is a world renowned fitness expert who is known for his ability to help people lose body fat as fast as humanly possible. He has trained thousands of clients during his 16 years as a Strength & Conditioning Specialist, including professional athletes, fitness models and regular men and women.

He is an advisor and regular contributor to Men's Fitness magazine. His trademarked How To Get Ripped Abs workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and has helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, and get lean in record time. For more information on the How To Get Ripped Abs workouts, please visit here.

Rapid and permanent fat loss is almost entirely dependent on your metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is what determines how many calories you burn in a given day. The biggest factor that influences your metabolism is the amount of lean muscle you have on your body.

Based on this fact, it is imperative to build, or at the very least maintain, your lean muscle during a fat loss phase. Every pound of muscle you build requires between 35 to 50 calories per day to maintain itself. These additional calories are burned over the course of the entire day, even when you are at complete rest.

So just by building one pound of lean muscle, you will burn an additional 12,775 to 18,250 calories per year, while at rest! So if you can add 4 pounds of lean muscle, it will encourage your body to burn an additional 51,100 to 73,000 calories per year, which equates to a loss of 15-21 pounds of body fat. Once you factor in the additional calories being burned during your training sessions, you can see that your fat loss results can be quite dramatic.

So it is clear that we should perform activities that encourage muscle building/maintenance while we avoid doing anything that leads to muscle loss.

The best way to build and maintain muscle is to perform resistance training. With a well designed resistance training program, you can burn calories during your workout; but even more importantly, you will ignite your metabolism to burn calories 24 hours per day, even during sleep!

Here is how to perform your resistance training to cause a positive metabolic effect:

You will be performing 3 full body workouts per week. These workouts should be performed on non consecutive days, such as Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Alternately, you could opt for a Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday schedule. Spacing the workouts out in this manner allow for optimal recovery between training sessions.

In addition to that, spacing out your workouts every 48 hours ensures that your metabolism will stay elevated all of the time. I have witnessed this for years and finally, scientific studies are actually confirming my findings.

Recent research has shown that after performing a properly designed full body workout, people’s metabolism stays elevated for approximately 40 hours. So just when your metabolism starts to come back down to normal, you are ready to rev it up again with another training session.

In my experience, full body training in a multiple station design is the best way to “put a match to” your metabolic rate.

I have many ways of designing full body workouts. Let me show you one that is very simple and particularly effective. Pick 2 exercises for the upper body, 2 exercises for the lower body and 2 direct abdominal exercises.

Without resting in between sets, perform a circuit of all 6 exercises in this order: Upper, lower, ab, upper, lower, ab. At this point take a 90 second rest and repeat this entire sequence twice more.

Here is an example circuit:

1a) Inverted Rows x 1
1b) Step Ups x 20 reps each leg
1c) Reverse Crunch On Decline x 12-15 reps
1d) Incline Push Ups x 1
1e) Split Squats x 12-15 reps each leg
1f) Modified V-Sit Up x 12-15 reps

Train hard and watch that fat melt right off your body. Good luck!

Post workout nutrition has been a particularly well researched topic in the fitness industry. Most of the studies have shown that ingesting simple carbohydrates with whey protein (in the form of a shake) assist in muscle building, recovery and in body transformation in general.
In fact, these studies have been so convincing that you’ll be hard pressed to find a fitness expert who doesn’t strongly advocate that all trainees drink this type of post workout shake instantaneously after every workout. Let’s step away from the trend for a second and investigate whether or not this is the best protocol for everyone to follow.
I agree that post workout nutrition is very important for the purposes mentioned above. If your goal is primarily muscle building or weight gain, these shakes are a great way to easily consume an abundant amount of calories at a time when your body is least likely to store those calories as body fat.
You see, following an intense workout, your muscles are depleted and are thirsty for replenishment. Therefore most of the calories ingested at this time will be soaked up by the muscles, making less calories available to be stored as fat.
But let’s revisit exactly what our primary goal is: Fat loss! Do you really think that it is a good idea to chug a sugary shake every time you train if your goal is to lose body fat? How can a high-sugar shake really help to enhance your fat burning efforts? The truth is that it doesn’t. In fact, I believe that this practice is counter productive for trainees with a fat loss goal.
I’ve read all of the research and unfortunately, the research has not been performed on subjects whose primary goal is fat loss. Initially, I experimented with these post workout shakes on myself and my fat loss clients. Undoubtedly, fat loss results slowed significantly when we used these shakes. I’ve got tons of real world results to prove my assertion that in order to maximize fat burning; you need to lose those high-carb post workout shakes!
So you’re probably asking, “What should my post workout meal consist of?” The answer is simple. Just eat a solid meal! This meal will be structured just like any of your 5-6 daily meals. Be sure to consume this meal within one hour following your workout.
Remember, you will always get leaner with natural, solid food. So if losing body fat is your goal, save your money on those expensive commercial post workout shakes. Eat a good meal and watch that unwanted fat melt right off your body.
To get instant access into makin abs click here!!!!!


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I get asked time and time again, “What is the best fat loss exercise?” The truth is, there is no single “best fat loss exercise”. Instead, you must have a database full of many very effective fat loss exercises. When you have many exceptional exercises to choose from, you will eliminate mental boredom and physical staleness, and you will always keep your body challenged. This helps ensure consistent progress, prevents overuse injuries and keeps you motivated to workout.
That being said, I do have some favorites. I will now share with you one fat loss exercise that always sits on the top of my list. This exercise is incredibly effective and can be performed anywhere without any equipment at all. Even better, it is one of the most time efficient exercises you can do. When done properly, just a few quick minutes of this exercise can burn as much fat as jogging for an entire hour!
The exercise that I’m referring to is the Advanced Burpee. Since technique is extremely important when executing this exercise, I will describe to you in detail how to properly performing the Advanced Burpee. Below, I will break down the movement into four simple steps:

  1. Stand with a shoulder width stance. Squat down and put your hands on the ground in front of your feet.
  2. Next, kick your feet back while lowering your chest to the ground. This step will essentially put you in the bottom position of a push up.
  3. Then, push your chest away from the floor while simultaneously thrusting your legs back up into the squat position with the hands still on the floor.
  4. Finish the movement by explosively jumping up in the air. Upon landing, quickly drop back down into the squat position and continue for the prescribed number of reps.
You're probably wondering, "How many reps should I perform? When should I do Advanced Burpees?" The truth is there are many ways to integrate this exercise into your routine. Explaining all of the options is beyond the scope of this article. Instead, I will provide you with one option that is simple yet effective.
Set a stopwatch for five minutes. Perform as many quality Advanced Burpees as you can during the five minute period. Push yourself. After the five minutes is over, write how many reps you performed. Then every time you repeat this workout, exceed the number of reps you completed during the prior workout.

Continue this pattern until no more progress can be made. Once this point is reached, its time to change your workout.

Now you have a time efficient, yet incredibly effective fat burning routine. Work hard and push yourself. You will be glad you did.

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab a free fat loss report which details 27 unique methods for boosting your metabolism and losing belly fat - TruthAboutab.com

Throughout my 16 years as a fitness professional, there is one question I get asked consistently. The fact that this question is asked so frequently clearly illustrates why most people never get a flat sexy stomach or a ripped set of six pack abs. This all too popular question usually goes something like this:

“What exercise can I do to isolate my _______ (insert your muscle of choice – lower abs, obliques, upper abs, low back, etc)?”

It doesn’t matter what part of the midsection someone is trying to improve, they always seem to be asking how to “isolate” it. My first response to this question is always – “Why do you want to isolate it?”

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when “isolation” ab exercises are warranted. For example, if there is a muscle imbalance, you can isolate the weak link until you achieve an optimal strength balance between related muscles.

But once muscle balance is achieved, you would get much more bang for your buck if you performed exercises that integrate multiple muscle groups simultaneously. I call these particular exercises “turbo ab exercises”, and when performed properly, these little-known movements can deliver big time results incredibly fast!

You see, turbo ab exercises train several muscle groups at the same time. There are several advantages to this approach. First of all, it makes your workout extremely time efficient. Furthermore, turbo ab exercises often work your entire body, which burns many more calories (and thus a greater amount of fat) than any isolation movement could ever wish to burn! This results in superior results at a much faster pace.

Now, I’m going to teach you one of my turbo ab exercises which works the lower abs intensely while simultaneously training the whole body. Here it is:

Power Wheel Pike
Start in a push-up position with your feet in a Power Wheel. Do not let your hips drop during the exercise. Initiate movement with your abs, rolling the wheel in towards your hands while keeping the legs straight. Return to starting position and repeat.

Notice that in this exercise you are not lying down like you do in most ab exercises. Instead of passively lying on your back, you support yourself in a push up position throughout the entire movement. So while you’re working your abs, you are also working your chest, triceps, hip flexors, quads and just about every other stabilizing muscle in your body.

I have many other turbo ab exercises like this that I use with great success. The difference in trainees who use turbo ab exercises and trainees who simply perform the average “ab isolation routine” is absolutely amazing. Try it yourself…you’ll see and feel the difference almost immediately!

Now that you have learned the truth about “isolation” exercises, you can stop wasting your time and start integrating these truly effective exercises into your routine. Your midsection will thank you for it!

I’d be a very rich man if I had a dollar for ever time that someone told me, “My upper abs are getting lean but I still have this pouch of fat on my lower abs.”

Unfortunately, this “upper then lower” fat loss progression is typical for the majority of people. This “lower ab bulge” happens for three totally different reasons. If you are going to achieve flat lower abs, all three reasons must be addressed.

The first reason the lower abs are not flat is simply due to excess body fat. Most people will lose fat on the upper portion of their abs first. Only when these individuals get very lean will they lose the abdominal fat around their belly button area. This excess belly fat problem is only lost by following a well-designed fat loss plan, such as the How To Get Ripped Abs program. This plan will include: high intensity cardio, metabolism-boosting resistance training, and proper nutrition.

The second reason the lower abs bulge out can be related to the position of the pelvis. If the pelvis is tilted too far anteriorly (forward) it will cause your lower back to “over arch” and push the lower part of your belly out. If you suffer from this pelvic position, your abs will bulge out, regardless of your body fat levels.
To fix this problem, you must perform corrective abdominal exercises and stretch your hip flexors. By incorporating this combination of exercises and stretches into your routine, you can rapidly re-set your pelvis and flatten your abs.

Below, I’ll describe an effective hip flexor stretch and several corrective ab exercises based on your current level of abdominal strength.

Hip Flexor Stretch- Get into the bottom position of a lunge with the back knee resting on the floor. Push your hips forward while maintaining an upright posture. Adjust the distance between your legs so that the shin on your front leg is in a vertical position. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side. Repeat the entire process 3-4 times. Note: If you are not stretching on a soft surface (grass, mat, etc.), I suggest that you put a small mat underneath your knee.

Beginner Ab Exercise- Lie on your back. Bend your knees to 90 degrees and place your feet flat on the floor. With your palms down, place them under your lower back. Lift both legs off the floor until your knees are pointing directly to the ceiling. Roll your pelvis backward, thus creating slight pressure on your fingers. This is the starting position. Now lower both legs to the floor without arching your back and releasing any pressure off your hands. To progress, simply straighten your legs several degrees each workout until you are performing this exercise with straight legs.

Intermediate Ab Exercise- Lie on your back. Flex both knees and hips to 90 degree angles. Bring knees toward chest by flexing your abdominal muscles, and raising your butt from the floor while maintaining a constant knee angle. Return until hips and knees are again extended to 90 degree angles. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

Advanced Ab Exercise- Lie on a decline bench. Flex both knees and hips to 90 degree angles. Bring knees directly toward your chest by flexing the abdominal muscles. Your butt will raise up from the bench. Be sure to maintain a constant knee angle. Return until hips and knees are again extended to 90 degree angles. To increase difficulty, increase the angle of the decline bench.

The third reason for lower belly distension is abdominal bloating, which can be caused by two different problems. The first is constipation. If you are constipated, be sure to increase your water intake and check you diet to see if you are getting enough dietary fiber (25-40 grams daily). If those things are already in check, consult with your physician to achieve optimal bowel functioning.

The second cause of the distention is eating foods to which you are reactive. When you eat foods that your body is sensitive to, your immune system will respond, which causes bloating in the abdominal area. If you suspect this to be your culprit, pay close attention to how you feel after eating each meal. Eliminate any foods that may cause you bloating, cramping, diarrhea or stomach discomfort.

If you are tired of failing to achieve that flat sexy stomach you desire, try this simple yet multi-faceted approach, and flatten your abs forever!

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab a free fat loss report which details 27 unique methods for boosting your metabolism and losing belly fat - TruthAboutab.com

When most trainees attempt to achieve six pack abs, they usually begin performing traditional ab exercises like crunches, leg raises, etc. While this makes perfect sense intuitively, these exercises do not give you the most bang for your buck. The problem is that these exercises attempt to isolate your abs at the exclusion of other muscle groups. This “isolation” does little to burn actual calories and thus does little to contribute to actual body fat reduction.

Instead, I prefer to perform exercises that train the abs while simultaneously working the rest of the body. In addition to carving out six pack abs, these particular exercises greatly increase your metabolic rate. Elevating your metabolic rate leads to greater fat loss, which is of the utmost importance when you want visible six pack abs.

You’re probably asking, “What are these little-known exercises?” Although there are many that I use personally and recommend, I will now share with you three of my favorites.

Here they are:

  1. Med Ball Slams

  2. Renegade Rows

  3. Tuck Jumps

Med Ball Slams- While holding a medicine ball, stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Quickly bring medicine ball behind your head and forcefully throw ball to the ground as hard as possible. The motion should be somewhat like swinging an ax. Bend to catch the ball on the bounce and repeat. Note: I prefer to use a durable, non-bouncing medicine ball for this particular exercise.

Renegade Rows- Start in a push up position with your hands on two dumbbells or two kettlebells. Brace your body with your abs so that your hips do not sag. Next, slightly shift your weight to your left arm and row the right dumbbell/kettlebell towards your right hip. Repeat on other side.

Tuck Jumps- Stand with your feet slightly closer than shoulder width. Quickly bend your knees and lower your body down about 8 inches. Jump into the air explosively and bring your knees up to your chest in a tucked position. Maintain good posture in your upper body. Keep your chest and head up. Land with a full foot contact and repeat quickly.

There you have it, three great fat burning exercises that give your midsection a better workout than traditional ab exercises. Try them out for yourself. You will soon see that you can get an awesome ab workout without performing a traditional ab exercise.

It’s 2009. Your old excuses for not getting in shape won’t work. As Dr. Evil (Austin Powers) said, ZIP IT! I don’t want to hear them anymore! Read em’, then haul your excuseless butt to the gym!

1. I have no time.

According to a story in a recent issue of Men’s Health magazine, Barack Obama works out for 45 minutes a day, 6 days a week. Obama doesn’t just play basketball either. Our new president stays fit to lead with cardio and weight lifting. He also says he wishes he could train 90 minutes a day. Have you ever seen what the daily schedule of a U.S. president looks like? If the busiest man in the world can train every day for 45 minutes a day, then what’s your excuse? ZIP IT! You ain’t got one!

2. It’s too expensive.

Getting in shape certainly is expensive… if you keep wasting hundreds of dollars, month after month on worthless “miracle” weight loss pills, internal cleansing gimmicks and “magic” potions that all claim to make you slim. Deceptive advertising and slick marketing for bogus diet aids is more rampant than ever. 2008 was the year of thewu-long tea scam, the acai berry scam, and, of course, the ubiquitous “cleansing” and “detox” gimmicks . Unless you put on your critical thinking cap and learn to investigate before you invest, then you’ll get scammed by 2009’s flavor of the year as well. Your quest for those elusive “6-pack” abs will not only continue to be expensive, you’ll go broke. Walking, jogging, calisthenics and body weight exercises are FREE. If you want to know what’s really expensive, tally up the cost of legitimate expenses like natural food, gym memberships, fitness education, dumbbells and so on, and compare that to your doctor’s bill when you’re sick.

3. No one will support me.

Experts on social influence say your income will be approximately equal to the average of your 5 closest friends. Not only do I think that’s pretty darn accurate, I also believe that your health is your greatest wealth, and your physical condition will be about equal to the average of your 5 closest friends. It’s a real challenge to stay positive, focused and active when you’re surrounded by critical people and negative influences. However, in 2009, lack of support is no longer a valid excuse. Online social networking is exploding (check outTwitter and Facebook ) and more IN PERSON friendships and associations are being made from an internet connection than ever before. Training buddies can be found online. Connect with them. Mentors and coaches are easily found online. Hire them. Support forums have been around for years. Use them. No support from your current friends? Stop whining, start reaching out and go make new ones. In 2009, support partners and new friends are just a click away.

4. I can’t lose weight because of my genetics.

The marvels of modern medical and biological research are astonishing. Our top scientists have mapped the human genome! In the past few years, numerous genes linked to obesity have been discovered. However, the obesity epidemic we’re facing today has only developed over the past 50 years and genetic mutations that lead to serious obesity are extremely rare. Genetic predisposition only means that you have a tendency. It’s when the genetics meet lifestyle and environment that the genes express themselves. If you have a family history of heart disease, is it smart to smoke, eat junk, be a stressed-out, type-A maniac and a couch potato? Well of course not, and it’s the same with obesity. If you have a tendency predisposing you towards obesity, you’d better be the person doing the MOST exercise, not the least. You’d better be the person paying the MOST attention to your nutrition. You’d better be the person with the healthiest lifestyle. But unfortunately, it’s usually the opposite. Most people throw up their arms in frustration saying, “what’s the use, I was dealt a bad hand.” Sorry. That won’t fly in 2009. The latest research says genetics are a factor, but a tendency is not a destiny!

5. I don’t know how.

The lamest excuse of them all in 2009 is “I don’t know how.” NO ONE KNOWS HOW TO DO ANYTHING UNTIL AFTER THEY HAVE ACTUALLY DONE IT! Ponder that for a while. You don’t need to know how at first. To get started, you only need to know WHAT… what is the goal? Setting well-formed goals is the master skill of success. Not wishy-washy resolutions that have no resolve behind them, but real goals. In writing. With emotional ooompf! As you continue to affirm, visualize and focus on your goal with clarity, belief, and expectation, your new goal or intention will be received by your subconscious. Once a goal is accepted into your subconscious mind, your brain, being a goal-seeking mechanism, will turn on your attention filters to seek out all the information you will ever need to reach your goal. It will also turn on an infallible navigation system to guide you to your goal like a torpedo to its target. As your brain guides your attention, your direction and your behavior, you will discover that today, in 2009, there is more good information, coaching and instruction available than ever before. And when you’ve activated that “success radar” in your brain by setting goals effectively, it’s not as hard to find honest, accurate and helpful HOW-TO advice as you might think. In fact, you found this webpage, so you’re doing pretty good right now, aren’t you?

No more excuses. In 2009, you are here and you have come to the right place.

here you will make your self a six pack abs gentleman!!!!!!!

When most people attempt to perform ab workouts at home, they usually just lie on the floor and engage in a marathon of crunch repetitions. This all too common approach will never lead to a well-balanced set of six pack abs.

First of all, the basic crunch will only provide a marginally positive training effect for beginners. Once you get strong enough to crank out sets of 50-100 or more, the resistance the crunch provides is simply too little to provide a training effect.

And secondly, the crunch only works the abs in one movement pattern: trunk flexion. Trunk flexion is just one of the many different abdominal functions that must be developed in a good ab routine. Therefore, you can’t achieve a complete ab workout by using a single exercise, like the crunch, in isolation.

Instead, you need to perform several different ab exercises, each targeting a different abdominal function and/or region. This may sound confusing, but once you understand the anatomy and function of your abdominals, designing an effective ab workout is quite simple.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to bore you with a lesson in anatomy. Instead, I’m going to lay out a complete, ready to use ab workout for you. The following workout contains only exercises that require no equipment whatsoever, making them ideal for a home training session. Here it is:

1a) Reverse Crunch On Floor 3x20-25 30 sec rest
1b) Straight Body Side Crunch On Floor 3x12 (5sec hold) 30 sec rest
2a) Plank 3x60 sec 30 sec rest
2b) Seated Russian Twists With Leg Cycle 3x20-25 30 sec rest

Now I will give you a detailed description on how to properly execute each exercise:

Reverse Crunch On Floor- Lie on your back on a mat. Flex both knees and hips to 90 degree angles. Bring knees toward chest by flexing abdominal muscles, raising butt from floor while maintaining a constant knee angle. Return until hips and knees are again extended to 90 degree angles. Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.

Straight Body Side Crunch On Floor- Lie on your side on the floor. Keep your hands straight out above your head, in line with your body. Keep legs straight. Lock your hands together. Simultaneously raise your arms and legs up so that neither are in contact with the floor. Hold this position for the prescribed number of seconds.

Plank- Get on the floor in a push up position. Support your body on your forearms and your toes. Be sure to keep the abs tight and hold your body in a straight line. Do not let hips sag or hike them up too high. Hold for the prescribed number of seconds.
Seated Russian Twists With Leg Cycle- Sit on floor and cross your arms across your chest, grabbing the opposite shoulders. Lean back until your upper body makes a 45 degree angle to the floor. Rotate trunk to the right while simultaneously bringing your right knee towards your chest. At this point your left elbow will be touching your right knee. In a smooth motion rotate to the left and repeat this on the other side. Continue to alternate until you finish the prescribed number of reps. One full rotation equals one rep.

And there you have it! A simple ab workout you can perform anywhere with no equipment necessary. Do this workout 2-3 times per week for up to a month. After a month, it will be time to progress to a more advanced routine.

A nice set of abs is in YOUR future! Begin this routine and start getting results today!

If you're interested in taking your fat-loss efforts to an entirely new level, go to the following site and grab a free fat loss report which details 27 unique methods for boosting your metabolism and losing belly fat - TruthAboutab.com