
If you want to promote a program, an opportunity, a website or a blog that is related to building abs or staying fit and healthy, How to make Abs is the place for you to do it.

How to make Abs gets about 500 to 1000 unique visitors daily. About 95% of the visitors are from Google search engine. These Google visitors have real interest to know how to get a fit and helathy body. They are actively searching for getting great abs, health improving ebooks, programs and information. The rest of the 5% are bloggers and webmasters.

Advertising Options

125 X 125 Banner Ad
Your banner ad will appear in the top right sidebar of HOW TO MAKE ABS. The visitors often pay attention on the banner ads in this location. Thus, your 125x125 banner ad can potentially attract good amount of traffic.

$20/month, - If you are interested, please email me at for reserving an ad spot with subject"ad for blog".

Text Link
Your text link will appear in right sidebar just below the 125 x 125 banner ads. You will choose the anchor text you prefer.


To order an ad space on, please send your banner ad, link and PayPal payment to:

All ads will be live on within 24 hours of receipt.

If you have question on any of the advertising options or like to reserve an a spot, please email me at:

I will reply you within 24 hours.

P.S All your emails should have the subject "ad for blog". Sorry for that but to not to miss any mails it's done like this.