The Truth About How To Get A 6 Pack Ab

Let’s face it, there is nothing more attractive than the look and feel of a tightly carved out midsection. In most people’s opinion, no other body part screams out sex appeal more than a great set of six pack abs. The attention that one can achieve from having a tight and lean midsection has caused the marketing world to go “ab workout crazy”.

Anywhere you turn you can find countless abdominal training gadgets, gimmicks and programs promising to help you develop six pack abs in record time. With all of this “great information” so readily available, you would suspect that millions of people would have been able to achieve a sexy stomach and ab. Take one trip to the beach and it will be obvious that this is not the case. In fact, average the waist size has climbed to an all time high just recently.

Why have these ab programs failed so miserably? The answer to this question is surprisingly simple. These ab programs focus on traditional ab exercises! Traditional ab exercises may work the abs but they do little to burn actual body fat. Fortunately, there are much more effective exercises that carve out a six pack ab while simultaneously melting off your belly fat.

The bottom line is you will never achieve that sexy ab until you lose your belly fat. The good news is that this can be accomplished quickly and easily. Let’s discuss how to lose belly fat (the right way) and finally unveil your sexy six pack abs.

  1. Engage in a full body resistance training routine. When done properly, full body resistance training stimulates your metabolism like no other activity can. This should be the cornerstone of your belly fat loss program. This routine should only contain exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Some examples are: One Arm DB Split Snatch, Modified KB Turkish Get Up, Squat Press Combo, etc.

    Unlike traditional ab exercises, these full body movements have a huge caloric cost. In addition to burning a lot of calories during the workout, these exercises greatly increase your metabolism which in turn forces your body to burn fat all day long.

  2. Perform high intensity cardio workouts. High intensity cardio burns significantly more calories than low intensity workouts per unit of time while simultaneously elevating your metabolism to a significant degree. Although these workouts are more difficult to perform, they require much shorter durations. In fact, you can get an incredibly effective fat loss effect in as little as ten minutes and a great ab, making this a very time efficient way to train.

    Some of my favorite ab exercises to use for these workouts are: sprinting, various bodyweight jumps, rope jumping doubles, power wheel walks, etc.

  3. Utilize ab exercises that work your entire body. These exercises give you the most bang for your buck. “Isolated” ab exercises do nothing to burn belly fat.

    On the other hand, Turbo Ab Exercises work your abs very effectively while increasing your heart rate and burning a significant amount of calories. Unlike traditional ab exercises, these movements sculpt your six pack while simultaneously burning stubborn body fat.

    Switch your crunches for a Turbo Ab Exercise such as Med Ball Explosive Pikes and see the difference for yourself.

  4. Practice proper nutrition. Excess belly fat is often an indication of chronically high insulin levels. The best diets to keep insulin levels in check are the ones that recommend avoiding sugars, flour products, saturated fats and processed foods.

    Instead, your diet should consist of whole foods in their natural state such as: Vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts and seeds, legumes, whole grains, lean proteins (fish, shellfish, eggs and egg whites, turkey and chicken breast and small amounts of no-fat dairy products.
Follow these simple steps and get your six pack in no time!


John Alvino is a world renowned fitness expert who is known for his ability to help people lose body fat as fast as humanly possible. He has trained thousands of clients during his 16 years as a Strength & Conditioning Specialist, including professional athletes, fitness models and regular men and women.

He is an advisor and regular contributor to Men's Fitness magazine. His trademarked How To Get Ripped Abs workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and has helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, and get lean in record time. For more information on the How To Get Ripped Abs workouts, please visit here.